Sensor Temperatura e Humidade p/ Funduino AM2302/DHT22


O DHT-22 é um dispositivo de baixo custo para medir a humidade e a temperatura. Os sensores DHT têm duas partes. Um sensor de humidade capacitiva e um termometro. O dispositivo precisa de umafonte de alimentação de 3 a 5 V. Utiliza uma única linha de dados para comunicar com o Arduino.
- Alimentação: 3-5V DC 
- Consumo: 2.5mA máximo 
- Humidade de trabalho: 0-100% 
- Temperatura de Trabalho: -40º a 80ºC (resolução de 0.5ºC) 
- Dimensões: 27x59x13.5mm 
- Ligações: Pinos

Sample code:
// Example sketch for DHT22 humidity - temperature sensor
2 // Written by, with thanks to Adafruit for bits of their library. public domain
4 #include "cactus_io_DHT22.h"
6 #define DHT22_PIN 2 // what pin on the arduino is the DHT22 data line connected to
8 // For details on how to hookup the DHT22 sensor to the Arduino then checkout this page
9 //
11 // Initialize DHT sensor for normal 16mhz Arduino.
12 DHT22 dht(DHT22_PIN);
13 // Note: If you are using a board with a faster processor than 16MHz then you need
14 // to declare an instance of the DHT22 using
15 // DHT22 dht(DHT22_DATA_PIN, 30);
16 // The additional parameter, in this case here is 30 is used to increase the number of
17 // cycles transitioning between bits on the data and clock lines. For the
18 // Arduino boards that run at 84MHz the value of 30 should be about right.
19 void setup(){
20 Serial.begin(9600);
21 Serial.println("DHT22 Humidity - Temperature Sensor");
22 Serial.println("RHtTemp (C)tTemp (F)tHeat Index (C)tHeat Index (F)");
24 dht.begin();
25 }
27 void loop(){
28 // Reading temperature or humidity takes about 250 milliseconds!
29 // Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (its a very slow sensor)
30 dht.readHumidity();
31 dht.readTemperature();
33 // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).
34 if (isnan(dht.humidity) || isnan(dht.temperature_C)) {
35 Serial.println("DHT sensor read failure!");
36 return;
37 }
39 Serial.print(dht.humidity); Serial.print(" %tt");
40 Serial.print(dht.temperature_C); Serial.print(" *Ct");
41 Serial.print(dht.temperature_F); Serial.print(" *Ft");
42 Serial.print(dht.computeHeatIndex_C()); Serial.print(" *Ct");
43 Serial.print(dht.computeHeatIndex_F()); Serial.println(" *F");
45 // Wait a few seconds between measurements. The DHT22 should not be read at a higher frequency of
46 // about once every 2 seconds. So we add a 3 second delay to cover this.
47 delay(3000);
48 }
Formulário do produto

O DHT-22 é um dispositivo de baixo custo para medir a humidade e a temperatura. Os sensores DHT têm duas... Ler mais

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Referência: FUN-MD0024
Código de barras: 5000000032129

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€19,95 C/ IVA


      O DHT-22 é um dispositivo de baixo custo para medir a humidade e a temperatura. Os sensores DHT têm duas partes. Um sensor de humidade capacitiva e um termometro. O dispositivo precisa de umafonte de alimentação de 3 a 5 V. Utiliza uma única linha de dados para comunicar com o Arduino.
      - Alimentação: 3-5V DC 
      - Consumo: 2.5mA máximo 
      - Humidade de trabalho: 0-100% 
      - Temperatura de Trabalho: -40º a 80ºC (resolução de 0.5ºC) 
      - Dimensões: 27x59x13.5mm 
      - Ligações: Pinos

      Sample code:
      // Example sketch for DHT22 humidity - temperature sensor
      2 // Written by, with thanks to Adafruit for bits of their library. public domain
      4 #include "cactus_io_DHT22.h"
      6 #define DHT22_PIN 2 // what pin on the arduino is the DHT22 data line connected to
      8 // For details on how to hookup the DHT22 sensor to the Arduino then checkout this page
      9 //
      11 // Initialize DHT sensor for normal 16mhz Arduino.
      12 DHT22 dht(DHT22_PIN);
      13 // Note: If you are using a board with a faster processor than 16MHz then you need
      14 // to declare an instance of the DHT22 using
      15 // DHT22 dht(DHT22_DATA_PIN, 30);
      16 // The additional parameter, in this case here is 30 is used to increase the number of
      17 // cycles transitioning between bits on the data and clock lines. For the
      18 // Arduino boards that run at 84MHz the value of 30 should be about right.
      19 void setup(){
      20 Serial.begin(9600);
      21 Serial.println("DHT22 Humidity - Temperature Sensor");
      22 Serial.println("RHtTemp (C)tTemp (F)tHeat Index (C)tHeat Index (F)");
      24 dht.begin();
      25 }
      27 void loop(){
      28 // Reading temperature or humidity takes about 250 milliseconds!
      29 // Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (its a very slow sensor)
      30 dht.readHumidity();
      31 dht.readTemperature();
      33 // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).
      34 if (isnan(dht.humidity) || isnan(dht.temperature_C)) {
      35 Serial.println("DHT sensor read failure!");
      36 return;
      37 }
      39 Serial.print(dht.humidity); Serial.print(" %tt");
      40 Serial.print(dht.temperature_C); Serial.print(" *Ct");
      41 Serial.print(dht.temperature_F); Serial.print(" *Ft");
      42 Serial.print(dht.computeHeatIndex_C()); Serial.print(" *Ct");
      43 Serial.print(dht.computeHeatIndex_F()); Serial.println(" *F");
      45 // Wait a few seconds between measurements. The DHT22 should not be read at a higher frequency of
      46 // about once every 2 seconds. So we add a 3 second delay to cover this.
      47 delay(3000);
      48 }

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